Yes, fresh of the plane. First stop Miami. Coming to mind are: Miami Vice, Scarface, Gloria Estafan, Will Smith’s corny Miami song, Chuckie’s Miami song and a lot of cuban influence! I must say it’s crazy! I have to uncomfort, but could not resist to go to a restaurant the first day. It was an italian restaurant, but they played Wu Tang and all other classic Hip-Hop. Nice! But I have to get used to the hostel life. 12 snoring guys in a room with 1 bathroom and 1 restroom hahaha. Eventually you can get used to anything I guess/I hope. Finally I discovered (which I already did back in Utrecht) that the best way to discover a city is by bike. So the Deco Bike store is my best friend around here! :) And the first attraction I visit was the Bass Modern Art Museum! Frans!! Really!? I’m getting old ;)